
How Much Beetroot Powder Should You Take Every Day?

Beetroot powder is loaded with a lot of health benefits. It’s actually the newest superfood and it definitely deserves to be delegated to that level. Some of the major health advantages of consuming beetroot every day is a significant boost in your stamina, lowered blood pressure, and improved blood flow.  

 Beetroot Powder

Because of the popularity of beets, it is now made available in different forms. Of course you can still eat beets fruits and there’s nothing wrong with that. But if in case beets are not in season, there are still some alternatives that you can use so you can enjoy the goodness of this fruit all day long. Your other choices are beetroot powder and beetroot juice, among others.  

The Benefits of Beetroot 

No matter how you consume beetroot, you’re bound to take in all the healthy goodness that it brings. Beetroot is known to be loaded with high quantities of vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin A, C, and B6, as well as manganese, iron, calcium, potassium, and folate. It is also very rich in antioxidants, fiber, and nitrate.  

Being a rich source of nitrates, beetroot powder and juice can help increase your stamina so you can do your workouts longer. But more importantly, it facilitates the flow of blood all over your body. With improved blood flow, all your organs will function efficiently. This is most especially helpful to your heart and brain. The heart won’t be too stressed too much in pumping blood all over the body. As for the brain, adequate blood flow helps protect the onset of degenerative diseases.  

How Much Beetroot Do You Need? 

To fully maximize the effect of beetroot, studies indicate that two cups of beet juice are needed. If you’re using beetroot powder, that’s approximately two teaspoons. It’s generally okay to exceed that amount, but the natural sweetness of beetroot may become a concern to some.  

If you don’t have any pre-existing health condition like diabetes, then it’s okay to consume up to four servings of beet juice. Anything more may slightly affect the level of your blood sugar. But it’s also important to note that the sweetness of beetroot is all natural. It definitely isn’t like table sugar that can cause drastic changes to your body.  

The slight increase in sugar is manageable for people who are not suffering from any medical condition. For those who do, they may or may not experience any untoward effects, but it still best to proceed with precaution.  

How to Buy Beetroot Powder 

Now that you know how good beetroot can be for you, you should now add it to your daily diet. There are many online stores these days that sell beetroot powder so you have to be very meticulous about your choices. Always look for the one with the USDA organic seal. That seal is your assurance that you’re getting nothing but the pure goodness of the beets. Organic means that the product doesn’t contain any preservatives, artificial colors, artificial flavorings, and additives.